Quilts for Life 2 Project
Partnering with
March 2017.
Whilst on a training program for the modality of Matrix Reimprinting ( which uses EFT – Tapping) I met Jane Sleight-Leach, the founder of Life 2 Project.
Life2Project is a foundation that assists women healing from Domestic Violence situations, providing them with life changing strategies and tools such as the EFT and Matrix Reimprinting modalities, empowers them for a life beyond the violence, educates giving practical strategies and tools for everyday situations and creates connection with others who have been through similar situations, building a strong community of ongoing support.
The foundation provides assistance by way of programs, workshops, and 3 day retreats.
As a quilter, I saw that there was an opportunity to reach out and support these women by way of gifting a quilt to those attending the retreats run by Life 2 Project. The tangible, tactile comfort that a quilt can bring would be an ongoing reminder for these women to know they are not alone on their journey of a new more empowered life.
June 2017.
The first retreat we are partnering in will be end of June 2017 and I am delighted to have the support of quilters throughout my network to help get quilts made for this retreat. There is now the planning and making of more quilts for future events well under way.
Some people have offered assistance in this project by donating fully made quilts ( we are looking at quilts around 50” x 70” in size for the women), which is greatly appreciated.
We are aware that children are often involved in these situations so if we have a collection for children (these can be smaller) we may also be able to provide the women on retreat a quilt for their children. If you like making children’s quilts, assistance with these would be welcomed. A big thanks to Glen Quilters for your quilts.
Others quilters are providing fabric, made blocks or partly made tops, backing fabrics, and wadding, while others offer their time to help quilt or finish the quilts.
This is very much a collaborative project and if you are able to help in any way, I will appreciate any assistance you can give and if you know others who are not quilters but would like to be a part of this project I would be happy to hear from them or receive donations toward the cost of the backing and wadding, which are the biggest expense in each quilt.
Contact can be through my website www.quilttherapy.com.au
Or through Facebook; Quilt Therapy Qld.