How do you maintain Focus

Hi Everyone,

To those of you who have joined my mail-out list since my last newsletter –  a big welcome.

My thoughts on how to maintain focus.

Do you sometimes feel like you have to juggle lots of balls and keep them all in the air at once? I think most people can relate to that at some point in their lives, some more than others.  That has been me for a while.

It has been a long time since I last sent out a letter – more than 6 months & probably closer to 12, so I do hope you have all been getting on successfully with your quilt projects in that time.

Much has been happening for me, and for the past 6 months my focus for my quilting has been on the “must do”  list, which includes my groups, retreats & special workshops, while the rest of my time has been to do with family needs. Sometimes my focus has to be shifted into a different area for life to run smoothly which means no doubt that some things get temporarily put aside for a while, and in my case that has been digital media contact, development of workshops and patterns and sadly I missed many of the local quilt events.

That said, I am pleased I have managed to complete a few new samples for my “Behind the Blocks” workshop ( see picture for 1 of them ).

Behind the Blocks - Linked and framed sample

With  my regular groups and retreats I have been able to  keep my ” hand in” with lots of challenges I have been given and it is rewarding for me to see the great outcomes in the projects everyone finishes, so through that I have still managed to get my quilting “fix”.

When you are busy, how do you maintain your focus without becoming overwhelmed?

For me that is regularly re-assessing  and asking myself what is most important right now? – keep a list of what needs to be done, then ask myself what can I achieve now to check off  the most urgent things on the top of my list. I may only take a small step toward achieving the goal, but I know each step brings me closer to what I want. The best piece is that I also savour the moments when I get stop and breathe deeply; sometimes  for a coffee or meal ( an added bonus when Peter cooks); I relax while having my hair cut; I enjoy the moments I get to cuddle my grandchildren ( and we now have 4) ; and I am grateful when I finally finish a task that has taken some time, like writing a new pattern.

Another great way for me to retain focus is to take a few hours to “de-clutter” my studio and office space – it is amazing how that seems to also de clutter my mind. Below is a little of my “re-organising”

new storage

It is important for me to also allow some “me” time, a quiet read, listen to a seminar, catch up with a friend and now the weather is warming, perhaps time for a swim, or if it is needed some EFT. By doing these things I feel more energised and fresher so I can be more efficient and effective in all the other areas.

Let me know how your maintain your focus.

Things to watch out for:

During recent months, I have had a number of enquiries about classes for those new to Patchwork and Quilting and as most of my groups are full,  I am going to look at my calendar for next year to see if I can re-arrange a few things to fit in a 6 or 8 week course program for those who want a base program to kick start their quilting journey. My plan is to create a flexible style class (meaning there will be choice in the size and design of the project made,) but the skills and techniques covered will be the same for everyone.

When I have sorted my program, I will be emailing those who had expressed interest and will also include the information in my newsletter re times and dates for next year’s calendar in case you want to revise your skills or perhaps know someone who would like to join us.

Cheers for now.

Jan P.




Posted on

October 26, 2015

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